
I am not here to tell tales Merely not a tale teller I have had  frailties that caused me fails Yet I am held in the hands of the maker Who is never counting on my inconsistencies or foolery Not even my falls Rather I am very often hand picked into glory Such that IContinue reading “Miracle”

It Was My Song

No other made sense, In his eyes read the notes My soul enjoyed. Underneath the sky, before whatever time I would be caressed till the melody drowned my entire being And I lived by this,for this For what is life without love,a symphony of something beautiful you can live by? A music you can own?Continue reading “It Was My Song”

Shakespearean Sonnet For Solomon

O Fair man O Solomon, Thy beauty hath embraced my mind to solace and I write, Thine, to a place love owns You make me dwell Laying before you with’d whole of me Beit time fade Your name I’ll play still till strings ring eternity’s… With my soul reading From the book your sole leavesContinue reading “Shakespearean Sonnet For Solomon”

La Vida (The lot of life)

No es la porción de muchosPara que ellas no sepanY no lo tengoUna carga soportada hasta la muerteAlgunos ven para tenerOtra algunos por una temporadaDe cualquier manera nadie reza por el mal sobre una mismoLa vida nos llega no solo por elecciónEntonces ,¿cuánto podemos cambiarNacimos para cumplirUn propósito dadoDolor O alegría, nadie puede decirloLo queContinue reading “La Vida (The lot of life)”

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